
That’s Enough!

I am not normally the blogger type, but after the last several emails I have received, I find it important to talk to brothers and sisters around the world, but especially in the west.

In the last week I received several emails and text messages letting me know that my place, and our place, as christians, was to pray, take care of our own, and for crying out loud, don’t go to Paris and help people. Some have said, “that’s the job of the Parisian church”, or “the government has enough psychologists to help”. Another friend has quoted christian leaders from her European home sowing fear and doubt instead of faith and hope. Frankly, I find this disturbing. If there was ever an hour for the church to arise, its now! Sure, it should have happened already, and maybe she’s been rising up, preparing for a moment like the present, but no matter where we are at, it is time NOW!

Throughout the ages, people have responded to crises and catastrophes (manmade and natural) in different ways. Truly, there is only one way forward, and that is that everyone chips in and helps where they can. Fortunately, as christians, we can & should hear the Holy Spirit lead us to do what He wants. Sometimes that is prayer, sometimes that is worship, sometimes that is giving money or other natural resources, and sometimes it is getting up and going to find out how to help. But always the answer is ACTION of some sort. I appreciate those who rise in these hours and by faith go towards the battle instead of away from it.

When the attacks in Mali occurred the other day, I found myself asking, “God what can I do, what can we do?” And then again, “what about all the other places where ISIS is killing people, what about the other terrorist groups, wars, kidnappings, etc.?” The list goes on forever. The need is overwhelming. Then the classic question resounded in my head, “How do you eat an elephant?” and the response, “one bite at a time”. You see, we are so bombarded with information today that most people are frozen in their response. Not frozen because they don’t want to, but frozen in where and how, as their resources and their time is limited. We must pray, listen to the Holy Spirit, and then like the disciples in Jerusalem, start where we are and move outward until the Lord stops providing resources or he leads us specifically to another place. We are stewards of everything and owners of nothing. Our response should be to steward well what the Lord has given us in the best manner possible, according to His will. On one side we are merely stewards, but on the other side, we need also to take ownership in a healthy “responsible” sense.

“WE ARE FRANCE!” – This slogan is everywhere now because Paris is the capital of France, and all French people look to the capital for direction, leadership, & yes, even comfort. It doesn’t matter what we think about that for the moment, but here’s the deal: If you are French, and your capital is attacked, you hurt for your entire country. It is as if the entire country has been attacked. Of course other parts of France have been attacked over the years, Jewish people being killed, others as well, anti-semitic sometimes, anti-infidels sometimes. We could focus on “why isn’t anyone doing anything about those other attacks in France?”, but that doesn’t do anyone any good to sit around critiquing and complaining. Instead, we must seek God and get a plan – start now, lest we never start.

There have always been violent people and evil dictators trying to take over their country, take over the world, trying to exterminate people groups because of bitterness and grudges and lies believed. It is overwhelming now because of our technological advancements in communication. Our information age has brought huge amounts of news at our fingertips, and that is overwhelming, over-stimulating, and honestly, in my opinion, doing more harm to people than good. Why? Because more death, destruction, fear and hopelessness is spread instead of faith and hope and stories of redemption. We need to realize it is a new hour and as christians, we must be well armored for the war at hand (eph. 6).

I am reminded of David facing Goliath in the great battle of Israel against the Philistines. Goliath looked huge compared to man(especially David), he talked a big talk, and he swung a big sword. The Bible tells us that David RAN to the battle line, the place where they would fight it out. Whereas I would not condone literally physically attacking anyone (our war is against spiritual forces of darkness, not mankind), I would condone rising up in faith and hope and running to the battle with full assurance that our God is the real God: Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father – three in one! Running to the battle line of prayer in faith and hope in the promises of God. Running to the battle line of doing what God leads us to do through giving of time, treasure, and talents that are in our hands. This is not the moment for christians to hide their heads, ignore the issues of the world, or think for a moment that it will all work out without us being proactive. It was once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing” (Edmund Burke). This could be as Winston Churchill said, “Our Finest Hour”

Followers of Christ are the light of the world. We must not cover our lamps. We are the city set upon a hill. We cannot be hidden, so lets shine forth. Let’s arise and shine, for His light has come (Isaiah 60:1)!!! We are His ambassadors bringing His kingdom and the kingdom’s culture wherever we go! It is a kingdom of faith, hope, and love because its based on forgiveness. And we are called to forgive sins. WOW! The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us so we are power packed – love machines. Let’s move out! Let’s spread the good news, let’s not hold back this beautiful eternal treasure we have been given. We are the hands and feet of Christ. Make friends with sinners, inviting them into your world, your life, your message of hope in Christ! Our proactivity now creates a better future whether more people in heaven or more people serving God here on earth, bringing down the number of untimely deaths.

I am personally challenging all who read this to pray and ask God what He would have them do and then do it by faith trusting in His good nature, that he is a rewarder of them that seek and trust Him (Hebrews 11:6). May the world be changed by the proactive body of Christ who is intimate with her heavenly Father.

At this moment, I am taking a team of 6 others from Marseille to pray and worship Jesus in each of the 6 places in Paris that were hit. We will be reclaiming the ground for Christ, renouncing violence and perversion of truth, and then seeing who God leads our way for encouragement, prayer, and sharing the good news. Thanks for your prayers Tuesday and Wednesday.