God is in the Details

Here is a testimony of Gods faithfulness for one of our campus staff Matt helps lead, based in Istanbul.  Blake is doing great work there in a very challenging situation. “First, A student of ours has really been struggling in his faith, and told me today he knows God...

Top 5 Things on Being a Missionary

As I was enjoying my juice I made this morning after a simple workout, I realized I had never shared thoughts with anyone about why I love being a missionary! Just so you know, this didn’t come out of some “I need to be grateful” exercise I was doing, although that’s...

That’s Enough!

When the attacks in Mali occurred the other day, I found myself asking, “God what can I do, what can we do?” And then again, “what about all the other places where ISIS is killing people, what about the other terrorist groups, wars, kidnappings, etc.?” The list goes on forever. The need is overwhelming. Then the classic question resounded in my head, “How do you eat an elephant?” and the response, . . .


There is something brewing here in France. The world needs to pay attention and believers need to rise out of mediocrity to become prayer warriors like never before!

Missions, Church-Planting, and Financing the Kingdom of God

In my opinion, God’s goal is making disciples not merely planting churches (Matthew 28:18-20). Church plants are a result of making disciples. Therefore planting churches is important. Jesus said HE would build His church and WE are commissioned to make disciples. This thinking can change how we do life with the King, if we let it.