Marseille, France Church
Since planting this church in 2014, Matt and Christy Rasch have led it to 15-20% growth annually since. They have seen over a hundred salvations and baptisms, as well as empowered people to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations. On top of many French people coming to Christ and being transformed by the Holy Spirit, the church has also seen many people form restricted nations come to Christ. Currently, the church is moving into its multiplying stage with doors open in Monaco, Algeria, and across France. Trust God with them as they make disciples of the nations.

It’s a new beginning for the Caley’s. After planting an English-speaking congregation, they are now on to planting a French speaking outreach group that we pray will lead to a church plant in the Versaille, France area. Please be praying for them!
For more information on this church plant, please contact Ryan or Marita.

We have an on-going outreach to university students in Marseille through regular evangelism and bible studies. The University of Aix-Marseille is the largest university in the francophone world, and many of these students will become leaders in their communities. Reaching these students while they are hungry for truth and open to God is a key long-term strategy for seeing the kingdom of God manifest in the French-speaking world.

Muslim Ministry
With over 1/3 of Marseille being Muslim, one can see a strategy for being here. God has called us to win them one at a time through natural relationships. It is amazing to see how hungry and open the young Muslims are to discovering the real Jesus. We currently are ministering to half a dozen ex-Muslims for whom Jesus is now their Lord. God is doing amazing things among these people, and Paragon Ministries is honored to do its part.
Coaching, Mentoring, and Pastoring Leaders
Matt & Christy have the honor of coaching, mentoring, and pastoring many other leaders around Europe. From preaching coaching, to church plant coaching, to cultural coaching, their plates are full. They have also opportunities to help younger leaders to know how to navigate marriage and family issues, as well as the ministry. Matt’s doctorate work is in balancing effective ministry and overall health for foreign missionaries, and this gives he and Christy many platforms to help missionaries and leaders in general.